STEMbotics Learning Center
Academics & Curriculum Overview

Here at STEMbotics Learning Center our main goal to prepare students to become global thinkers, entrepreneurs, leaders and innovators. Students will have the opportunity to collaborate and innovate agriculture robots with students from all the world! At the conclusion of the camp, students will have sown seeds and build robots to assist them with this process!
Global Learning

Mobile & Virtual Robotics Program
We offer our mobile services and a challenging curriculum created by veteran teachers! EV3 classes will be offered in various locations around the valley to allow students from all areas to experience this amazing robotics program. School, churches, daycare's and after-school programs may easily take advantage of the program as well. We also house an all girls robotics team!! Young ladies can build and program robots too! Download our flyer here to learn more.

21st Century Skills
Writing, presenting, collaborating and teamwork are important 21st century skills needed to be successful in today's workforce. All SLC students will be required to organize and maintain a technical journal, give presentations and work on teams.

STEAM is the Future!
STEAM is the future! Forbes, predicts that the STEAM field will be one the highest for job growth in next 10 years. Right now, there are STEAM jobs available that aren't being filled because of the lack of expertise. Our program will prepare students to embrace STEAM and all it's possibilities!
Our Partners

Connections to K-12 Computer Science, Science & Math
Click the buttons below to view our curriculum standards per grade level.

About Our Concept Artist
Hello my name is Johan Magana. I am currently 16 years old and I'm attending Eldorado High School. One of my major passions is video games so I originally wanted to become a video game developer as a future career. However, as time went on I realized that I didn't enjoy making games. I didn't like coding nor developing 3D assets. I was conflicted as I still wanted to be involved in the video game industry in some way. I always liked thinking about fictional worlds and characters but I could never visually see my creations. So that's when I knew I wanted to become and artist. Currently, I'm working hard at improving my artistic skills in order to make a career out of it.